Actionable Steps

Busy couple looking over a checklist.

Protect your child from developing allergies.

The 4 Pillars of Allergy Freedom

  • Healthy exposure to allergens
  • Foster a healthy microbiome
  • Abundant supply of nutrients
  • Prevent exposure to toxins

Phases of influence as a parent


  • Healthy weight


  • Healthy weight gain
  • Healthy diet
  • Facilitate healthy microbial exposure
  • No smoking or alcohol
  • Avoid antibiotics, antipyretics, or acid suppressants
  • Prevent exposure to toxins
  • Manage stress


  • Vaginal birth


  • Breastfeed your child
  • Healthy weight
  • Healthy diet
  • Facilitate healthy microbial exposure
  • No smoking
  • Avoid antibiotics
  • Prevent exposure to toxins
  • Manage stress

Early Childhood:

  • No smoking
  • Manage stress

Set your child up for freedom

  • Early exposure to foods and environment
  • Facilitate healthy microbial exposure
  • Prevent exposure to toxins
  • Healthy weight
  • Healthy diet
  • Maintain healthy barriers
    • No soaps, detergents, or moisturizers
    • Consumption of prebiotics and probiotics
    • Prevent chlorine pool exposure
    • Prevent illness
  • Sufficient sun exposure
  • Avoid antibiotics or acid suppressants