Our Personal Allergy Story

Two identical twins smiling outside.

Our story

We are identical twins who have been struggling with allergies from a young age. Starting at the age of 3 and into our 20s, there have been many hurdles that we've had to jump.

It started similar between us; swollen itchy throats and stomach pain after eating certain foods.

As time went on, however, differences became more apparent. While we both had seasonal allergies and Oral Allergy Syndrome, only one of us was developing anaphylactic food allergies.

Hmm, interesting. Identical twins with near-identical DNA have profound differences in their allergies. This prompted us to dive into the details, and Generation Allergy Free was born.

Why do we teach?

Amid our research, we realized that we had acquired knowledge that had our parents known 20 years ago, we wouldn't have the same allergy struggles today.

We decided that teaching others through Generation Allergy Free was a great way to touch many more lives than just our eventual children.

Our values

To help people live healthy and pain-free lives.

This is only the start of our journey. Expanding on the knowledge in these courses can help many other diseases; people in pain and suffering today can be joyous tomorrow.

We believe we can make the world a better place, and this business is symbolic of us putting our beliefs into action.