Navigating the Course

A golden compass on a wood table.

We want to ensure you get the most out of this course!

Read from top to bottom

The course is formatted to present the information to you in a way that we feel makes the most sense. On the sidebar, you can see that the first section is the medical disclaimer and the last section is the citation list. You should be in good hands if you go from top to bottom!



Don't feel pressured to read all of the citations

This course is research-focused; there are 100+ research papers cited in this course. It is unreasonable to expect anyone to read even a quarter of them. The citations are there for anyone who wants to look, but we extracted the essential information and organized it for you!

Citations look like this: 0


The navigation bar can be found at the bottom of the page and looks like this:

Navigation bar


  • Forward arrow: Go to the next section of the course
  • Back arrow: Go to the previous section of the course


You can use the search to find keywords throughout the course. The search bar is at the top-right of the page.

Search bar


Coming soon! Use this button to favorite a section of the course, which adds a star next to the section title on the sidebar:

Complete Lesson

Coming soon! Use this to mark sections you have finished reading; a checkmark is added next to the section title on the sidebar:

Section Links

We include links to sections of the course that expand on what is being talked about. Feel free to skip them on your first read-through if you just want to go from top to bottom.

Here is a link that takes you to the next section of the course:

Glossary of Terms