Toxic Offenders

Man with gas mask spraying crops.

Avoid toxin exposure because it increases the risk of developing allergies.

This list is not fully comprehensive, so you will need to screen all areas of your daily life to prevent further exposure to toxins.

Prevent exposure to these toxins: (17, 2476, 77, 78)

  • Any toxins that damage immunological barriers
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
  • Bisphenols (BPA, BPS, BPF)
  • Perfluorochemicals (PFCs)
  • Phthalates (PVC)
  • Tobacco Smoke
  • Heavy metals (Lead, Mercury)
  • Pesticides
  • Exhaust fumes
  • Formaldehyde
  • Antimicrobials (Triclosan)
  • Flame Retardants
  • Ionic Surfactants

Prevent tick bites

Certain tick bites can lead to the development of a food allergy to red meat and other mammal products called alpha-gal syndrome.75

Establish a healthy living environment

A good mentality: Every surface of your living environment should be safe for your child to put their mouth on.

  • Maintain good air quality
  • Take control of the dust in your home
  • Don't use harmful chemicals in your living environment

How to Establish a Healthy Living Environment