Toxins in Your Products

Group of green plastic containers.

Toxins are looming in your products, here's what to watch out for.

General Essentials


Toxins to watch out for: Pesticides, Bisphenols, PFCs, Phthalates, Antibiotics

The specific process, equipment, and packaging used to process foods dictate the toxins present. Foods exposed to fewer pesticides, minimally processed, and not packaged have the least amount of toxins.

  • Organic and fresh foods more closely mimic this pattern than non-organic and processed foods.

Source food with as few toxins as possible, especially food your child is exposed to during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and early childhood.


Toxins to watch out for: Pesticides, PFCs, Phthalates, Heavy metals

Filtered water contains a lower level of toxins than tap water.

Check out the quality of the tap water in your area -


Toxins to watch out for: Formaldehyde and Flame Retardants, which off-gas and collect in your house dust.

Source non-toxic furniture and remove toxic furniture to the best of your ability.

For Your Child


Toxins to watch out for: Phthalates, Formaldehyde, Pesticides, Fragrance (Phthalates)

Your child will be exposed to their diaper all the time, so ensuring it is free of toxins is crucial to prevent toxin exposure.

An alternative is to not use a diaper with your baby and practice "Elimination Communication" instead, which uses your intuition to know when your baby has to go to the bathroom, much like how you would handle a new puppy.

Baby Wipes

Toxins to watch out for: Antimicrobials, Formaldehyde, Fragrance (Phthalates)

Can use a wet cloth or washcloth.


Toxins to watch out for: PFCs, Formaldehyde, Phthalates, Flame Retardants, BPAs


Toxins to watch out for: Bisphenols

Glass or stainless steel baby bottles are generally less toxic than plastic.


Toxins to watch out for: Phthalates, Bisphenols, PVC, Antimicrobials

If you raise your child without a pacifier, it eliminates a potential source of toxins.


Toxins to watch out for: Phthalates, PVC, Bisphenols, Heavy metals, Formaldehyde, Flame Retardants

Toys will end up in your child's mouth. This is a safe process as long as the toys are toxin-free.

When in doubt, let nature be their toy!


Your baby will be spending a lot of time sleeping, so it is essential for this area to be non-toxic.

Ensure everything in the room is free of toxins as well so that the air stays as clean as possible. This includes the paint on the wall, furniture, flooring, and even the contents of the air from an open window.


Toxins to watch out for: Flame Retardants, Formaldehyde, PVC, PFCs, Pesticides


Toxins to watch out for: Flame Retardants, Formaldehyde, PVC, PFCs, Pesticides

Bedding includes pillows, sheets, blankets, covers, etc.


Toxins to watch out for: Formaldehyde



Dust your living environment to decrease Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals.


Vacuum your living environment, ideally with a HEPA filter, to efficiently remove dust.

Laundry Detergent

Toxins to watch out for: Ionic Surfactants, Formaldehyde, Phthalates, Antimicrobials

Avoid using laundry detergent with a baby as surfactants that stick on clothes can increase skin permeability and increase the risk for allergic disease.

Dishwashing Detergent

Toxins to watch out for: Antimicrobials, Ionic Surfactants, Formaldehyde, Phthalates

Dish Soap

Toxins to watch out for: Antimicrobials, Ionic Surfactants, Formaldehyde, Phthalates

General Cleaner

Toxins to watch out for: Phthalates, Antimicrobials, Ionic Surfactants, Dangerous chemicals, and VOCs

Toilet Cleaner

Toxins to watch out for: Dangerous chemicals and VOCs


Toxins to watch out for: Phthalates, Formaldehyde, Dangerous chemicals, and VOCs

Don't use candles; proper ventilation is the best way to remove odors from your home.

Food Essentials


Toxins to watch out for: PFCs, Heavy metals

Since these are products used directly with food, they need to be toxin-free.

Non-stick may contain PFCs and is best to avoid for your child because of the uncertainties.

Cast iron or Stainless steel is safer than other options.


Toxins to watch out for: PFCs, Phthalates, Bisphenols, Heavy metals

This includes dishes, cups, utensils, storage containers, etc.

Since these are products used directly with food, they need to be toxin-free.

Comfort Essentials


Toxins to watch out for: PFCs, Formaldehyde, Phthalates, Flame Retardants, Bisphenols, Pesticides


Toxins to watch out for: Flame retardant, formaldehyde, PVC, Perfluorochemicals, Pesticides

There are a lot of different products and options, so our recommendation is to make sure that whatever you choose is as non-toxic as possible.


Bedding includes pillows, sheets, blankets, covers, etc

Toxins to watch out for: Flame retardant, formaldehyde, PVC, Perfluorochemicals, Pesticides

Personal Care


Toxins to watch out for: Phthalates, Antimicrobials, Ionic Surfactants


Toxins to watch out for: PFCs, Phthalates, Antimicrobials, Ionic Surfactants


Toxins to watch out for: Phthalates, Antimicrobials, Ionic Surfactants


Toxins to watch out for: Phthalates, Antimicrobials


Toxins to watch out for: Dangerous chemicals and VOCs


Toxins to watch out for: Phthalates, Ionic Surfactants, Antimicrobials


Toxins to watch out for: PFCs, Phthalates, Bisphenols


Toxins to watch out for: Formaldehyde, PFCs, Heavy metals, Phthalates, Dangerous chemicals, and VOCs

Nail Care

Toxins to watch out for: Formaldehyde, Phthalates, Dangerous chemicals, and VOCs

Hair Dye

Toxins to watch out for: Formaldehyde, Phthalates, Ionic Surfactants, Dangerous chemicals, and VOCs

Hair Spray

Toxins to watch out for: Phthalates, Formaldehyde, Ionic Surfactants, Dangerous chemicals, and VOCs


Toxins to watch out for: Formaldehyde, Pesticides